Start Thinking Norwex!
Improving Quality of Life by reducing the consumption of chemicals in cleaning and personal care.
Visit our main website for details on how you can purchase our products or join our team and help promote this cause.
Visit our main website for details on how you can purchase our products or join our team and help promote this cause.

Saturday, July 24, 2010
Norwex Mop System

The Norwex Mop System lets you clean , and I mean really clean your floors with just water. No more chemical residue left on our floors to dull the finish and harm children and pets. Just stop and think about it. When you leave a chemical residue on your floors from commercial cleaning solutions, be it a mop and pail of water and cleaners, or the famous Swifter, if you have small children crawling or playing on floors we all know that everything goes in their mouths don't we? Without realizing it we are letting our children ingest those chemicals!
The same goes for your pets. They walk on the floors and then sit and lick their paws clean and they too are ingesting chemicals, and in some cases have caused very expensive vet bills by getting sick from them. I know we have never intentionally exposed our children and pets to chemicals and all it takes to correct the problem is a little education.
The Norwex Mop System works totally different to anything you have been used to. When you use a pail of water and get down on your knees or use a sponge mop, after the first time you rinse your cloth or mop head you are just putting dirty water back onto the surface you are trying to clean. I know, I know, that is the way that our mothers taught us to clean, and at one time it was the only way to clean. Not any longer. With the Norwex Mop System you wet the Antibacterial cleaning pad under your kitchen tap. You simply wring it out and then proceed to wash your floors in a figure 8 pattern, rinsing and wringing out the mop pad when the front edge becomes dirty. This way you are always putting clean water back onto the floor because you have rinsed the dirt from the mop head down the drain. It just makes perfect sense!
The same goes for the Antibacterial Dry Mop Pad. You are picking up 99% of bacteria on the floors surface every time you mop your floor. The beauty of it all is that when the mop heads become soiled

PLEASE do not use Dryer Sheets in the dryer either. They leave a film on your clothes and are carcinogenic . The Norwex Dryer Balls will lift and separate your clothes and leave them soft and fluffy without the use of chemicals. REMEMBER clean doesn't have a smell! When you have all those "pretty" smelling softeners it simply means they have added perfumes to the product to mask the chemical smell of the product.
Here again the old adage of "Try it, You'll like it ", really holds true.

Norwex Sanira System Replacement Brush

New Item from Norwex!!!
I had a customer contact me to get a replacement brush for her Sanira Bathroom System. She didn't want to buy a whole new system just to get a new brush. It made perfect sense to me but I had never seen anything about a brush that could be purchased separately
I contacted Norwex Head Office and low and behold you CAN get a brush separately!! It is now on the new catalogue list as item #22004 and sells for $10.00.
Needless to say my customer was a very happy lady and has now received her new brush.
It's the little things that make a difference. Thanks Norwex,--you came through again!!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Make Earth Day Every Day

Why do we need a special day to celebrate our earth??
We don't but it is as good a day as any to start making a difference in cleaning up the world we live in for our future generations.
I don't know about you but I'm ashamed sometimes to see my two sweet little grandsons Cameron 5 and Jeremy 2 1/2 being so environmentally conscience. I feel bad because it took me many, many years to do the things that come naturally to them already, but at the same time it gives me hope that they will have a better, cleaner environment to grow up in.
Please make today the day that you decide you are going to do your part in cleaning up the air we breath and the water we drink. There are so many little things that make a difference and yes every little thing counts.
Check out my website at: to see how you can rid your home of chemicals and make it a healthier place for your family.
Let your footprint be a positive one!!
Earth Day Sale.

Earth Day Sale on Norwex Websites.
Check it out at:
You'll never get a better deal than $149.00!!!
Remember One Day Only Special
Let Earth Day be the day you decide to show your environmental footprint.
Check it out at:
You'll never get a better deal than $149.00!!!
Remember One Day Only Special
Let Earth Day be the day you decide to show your environmental footprint.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Antibac Baby Body Pack

Norwex Antibac Microfiber Baby Body Pack Cloths
Babies start their lives with immature immune systems. Their little bodies are slowly subjected to a myriad of bugs as their immune systems develops.
The need here is to find a chemical free way to clean babies with a cloth that inhibits bacterial growth rather than infected cleaning cloths and or sponges that harbor bacteria. The silver agent found inside the microfiber of the Norwex Antibacterial Cloths inhibit the growth of the germs which eventually causes them to suffocate and die. This process takes a few hours but leaves your cloth 99.9% bacteria free without the use of chemicals!!
The Antibac Baby Body Pack is the perfect way to help prevent diaper rash and to clean their delicate little skin with out using those perfumed wipes, which is of course what we want for our sweet little ones.

Dryer Balls

If you are still using Fabric Softeners either liquid in your washing machine, or dryer sheets in your dryer you really need to rethink your decision.
Fabric softeners are very carcinogenic!! They have been liked to such cancers as Pancreatic and Skin Cancer. They are also know to cause Respiratory problems, and they leave a film on your clothes that actually attracts dirt!!
Another risk for these products is dryer fires. Just like they leave a film on your clothes they also leave a film on your lint screen and eventually can plug it up and cause a fire. To test your screen take it out and run it under your kitchen tap and see if the water pools on the screen. If it does that means it has an almost invisible film over the screen.
Don't take my word for it, test it yourself, or just Google "Are Fabric Softeners Carcinogenic?" The articles there will make you realize that you need to change your habits to protect your family and home.
Fortunately Norwex has the answer to your problem. (Of course you say, I would tell you that.) Norwex has designed a set of cylindrical Dryer Balls that give you the solution to your desire to have soft and static free clothes for your family. Place both dryer balls in your dryer and set your desired heat. The unique design of these Dryer Balls lifts and separates your laundry while softening the fabrics. This reduces drying time, static cling and wrinkles naturally, without chemicals so there is no need to use Fabric Softeners!!
You and your family both deserve to live in a chemical free environment!
**Note if you still notice some static in your laundry you are either drying your clothes too long or using too much laundry soap. Experiment changing these things and your cloths will be just as soft and fluffy.**
To purchase these or other environmental products, such as our 100% all Natural Laundry Pre Wash, as well as our Ultra Power Plus Laundry Soap, and our Water Softening Magnet Ball, or to read other articles about how to protect your family please visit my website at:
Antibac Baby Hooded Towel Set

Norwex has come up with a real winner here with their Antibac Baby Hooded Towel Set. This soft, fluffy, and super absorbent set is a little larger than most hooded towel sets so you can really wrap your baby up nice and warm after their bath. It is a little larger so it can be used right up to toddler size so is also a great value purchase.
The towel measures 80cm x 80cm and the face cloth is 31cm x 31cm.
It comes in a gender neutral colour of a soft green and has a 2 yr. warranty.
To purchase this and other great environmental cleaning and personal care products please visit my website at:

Saturday, April 10, 2010
I Can't Say Enough!!

I was a little hesitant to change my website to the new Norwex Website Designers at: but boy am I glad I did!! When I look at the Website they designed for me I have to wonder how I had any success with the old company. Their ideas for headers, and the information and advise they have for content is just absolutely amazing.
They advertise no "Cookie Cutter" sites and they mean it. Take a look at some of their websites and you will be very surprised at the individuality of each and every one of them.
Another great feature you get when you buy a Norwex Website Design that is not available with most other companies, is the training they provide to teach you to maintain your own site, as well as on going customer support.
Thanks to Brandy and her very capable assistant Cynthia I look forward to many years of working with them and growing in my business with their support.
Great job ladies.!!!
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Boil or Don't Boil

Ever Since I can remember we have been told to boil our Enviro Cloths for 10 minutes if they develop an odour.
Just recently, word has come out that Norwex no longer suggests this method of sanitizing your cloths!! It has been stated that boiling for long periods of time can break down the microfiber and may shorten the effective life span of the cloth.
The new train of thought is to soak your "sour " cloths in a solution of Vinegar, Baking Soda and Water and then drain them, pour boiling water over them, rinse well, wring out, and hang to dry or dry in your dryer.
If you use just water and rinse your cloths thoroughly, wring them out and dry them you will have no need to treat with either solution above. A couple of minutes now and no hassle later. :)
Sunday, March 7, 2010
What Do You Mean It Smells Clean?

Our Sense of Smell is very important to us. It is the only sense that will automatically envoke reactions and memories for us without sending messages through the brain. Memories of someone's perfume, a scented laundry soap, a freshly cleaned home are all smells that we think are clean smells.
WRONG!! Clean doesn't have a smell -Period!
For generations we have been programed to think that the scented chemicals that we all used to clean our homes were the smell of clean. The fact is, those scents were added to the cleaners to disguise the smell of the chemicals we were using. By using these chemical cleaners we leave a residue of chemicals on our surfaces and therefore a danger to our families.
Norwex Silver agent in our Enviro Cloths help stop the damage being done by chemicals by removing 99.9% of the bacteria from smooth surfaces using just water, and traps it in the fibers of the cloth. By removing the chemicals as opposed to killing them there is no reason for the remaining bacteria to mutate to survive the residue left behind. Once the bacteria is forced to mutate we are forced to find a stronger chemical to kill this new stronger strain. The bacteria trapped in the fibers of the Norwex Microfiber Cloths are suffocated by the silver agent and are then destroyed in the cloth making it a more environmental approach to cleaning.
Can you even imagine the difference it will make to those of you that suffer from allergies not to have all of these scented and chemical smells in your home? I sure can. It has made the world of difference to my breathing by cleaning my home with just water and ridding it of all the other chemicals.
To view a full range of environmentally friendly cleaning and health care products, or to read more interesting information please visit my website at:
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Looking for a Professional Website? Get in on the Valentine Special!!

Valentine Special!
Until February 28th Only!
Norwex Websites for Only
Go to:
Enter the Code: Valentine
at the Checkout to receive this fabulous price!
***To take advantage of this special, you must purchase your website be Feb 28th and must choose a template from our current template list.
NO custom designs will be done on websites purchased on this sale.
FREE Domain Name with every purchase at Norwex Websites
Norewex Websites are THE ORIGINAL PROVIDERS of Norwex Consultant Websites & we reamin superior to ALL those who have followed in our footsteps.
- We offer websites that are:Actual websites , not just shopping carts site
- Backed up Daily!! (compare to weekly or monthly providers!)
- Turnkey Norwex Consultant Websites - ready to go almost immediately!
- Unique, beautiful, and Personalized,including a CUSTOM HEADER
- Affordable for everyone
- User-Friendly for your customers
- Easy for you to understand & work with - especially with all the FREE TRAINING we provide!
- Editable & Expandable so you can change or add new content any time you like.
- Indexed by Search Engines - On your behalf, we provide Search Engine Sbumission of your domain name to the major search engines so that your website will be indexed and found!
Grow Your Norwex Business Online
A website package with everything you need to operate a sucessful online presence.

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